Mathventure for 3rd Grade: Teacher's Guide - S. Lemay

Mathventure for 3rd Grade: Teacher's Guide

By S. Lemay

  • Release Date: 2015-01-09
  • Genre: Education


The Mathventure for 3rd Grade Teacher’s Guide, accessible for teachers and parents alike, offers tips for helping third grade students both succeed at math and enjoy it. 

In this Guide, you will find:

- a video presentation of Mathventure for 3rd Grade
- the structure of Mathventure for 3rd Grade 
- pedagogical notes and answer keys
- notes on and suggestions for the collection’s three critical areas: 
   Operations, Fractions and Geometry 

The Mathventure for 3rd Grade Teacher’s Guide is a companion to the interactive ebook Mathventure for 3rd Grade, also available on the iBooks Store.

Steeve Lemay, M.Ed., has been writing award-winning K-12 math books for the past 20 years. Steeve is also an education consultant and has successfully managed various international education projects. Before moving into publishing, he taught high school and university math.

Jean-Claude Hamel, M.S. Pure Mathematics, has been writing K-12 math books since 1993. Jean-Claude captured 7th-place honours in problem solving at the 2000 International Math Games.