Killing for Healing (Unabridged) - Eric David Disparte

Killing for Healing (Unabridged)

By Eric David Disparte

  • Release Date: 2019-04-04
  • Genre: Fiction
  • © 2019 Eric Disparte

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Killing for Healing (Unabridged) Eric David Disparte

Summary : Killing for Healing (Unabridged)

A genuine psychological crime thriller that holds listeners on the edge, while subtly laying out all the evidence and clues in plain view. Rather than relying on the supernatural, magic, or science fiction discerning listeners will be required to maintain a sharp ear. 

A weak and lonely man has found an outlet through a website's vague promise to help those in need, for those who are and have been unable to find justice. Justice sounds fair, it should be applied equally, and result in balance. But the justice Harold discovers incorporates none of those qualities.

Now the FBI has found evidence of a murderer. A murderer who has left a series of deaths disguised as suicides. The one demographic each victim has in common severs through the construct of right and wrong, just and injustice. 

After a TV news channel receives leaked documents from an anonymous source within the FBI regarding the serial killer, the strings of tension felt by the FBI are amplified after each murder leaves more questions. As a result of the news media’s meddling, as always and by design, the country becomes divided over the question of right and wrong. The killer seizes this opportunity and exploits one of his victims for the purpose of spreading his ideology.

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