Michael Redgrave presents one of Thomas Hardy's most popular novels, which takes place entirely in the environs of Egdon Heath and covers exactly a year and a day.
(Tags : The Return of the Native Thomas Hardy Audiobook, Thomas Hardy Audio CD )
Louise May Alcott, Henry Vaughan, Robert Herrick, Alfred Tennyson, Thomas Hardy, John Donne, Clement Moore, William Wordsworth, Robert Southwell & G. K. Chesterton
John Keats, William Wordsworth, William Shakespeare, Robert Louis Stevenson, W. B. Yeats, Thomas Hardy, Percy Shelley, John Milton, Wilfred Owen & Kahlil Gilbran
Charlotte Bronte, Robert Louis Stevenson, Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy, Henry James, Jerome K. Jerome, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Ford Madox Ford & F.M. Mayor
Thomas Hardy, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Blake, William Wordsworth, W.B. Yeats, Lord Alfred Tennyson, Siegfried Sassoon, John Keats, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Ted Hughes, Percy Bysshe Shelley & Wilfred Owen