People should see that gender is not as limited as most people think, and they shouldn't ask intrusive questions....
Michael does "The Work" on people who won't respect his privacy with intrusive questions about his gender and body. He wants people to see him as the man he is, instead of the woman he pretended to be for so long.
This program involves a number of role plays with Katie. It becomes clear that the pain lies in living a lie, and that freedom can be found in letting the secret out, with nothing left to hide or defend.
The second half consists largely of men in the audience answering questions about their penis, and Michael answering questions from the audience about his body and experience. All defense and shame are gone. Instead of intrusivesness, intimacy is experienced.
(Tags : Penis Dialogues: The Work on Gender/Privacy (Unabridged) Byron Katie Mitchell Audiobook, Byron Katie Mitchell Audio CD )