Science Fiction Grand Masters 3 - Arthur C. Clarke, Clifford D. Simak, Ray Bradbury, Harry Harrison, Frederik Pohl, Jack Vance, Robert Silverberg, Fritz Leiber, Isaac Asimov, Fredric Brown, Mack Reynolds & Andre Norton

Science Fiction Grand Masters 3

By Arthur C. Clarke, Clifford D. Simak, Ray Bradbury, Harry Harrison, Frederik Pohl, Jack Vance, Robert Silverberg, Fritz Leiber, Isaac Asimov, Fredric Brown, Mack Reynolds & Andre Norton

  • Release Date: 2024-02-02
  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • © 2024 Scott Miller

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Science Fiction Grand Masters 3 Arthur C. Clarke, Clifford D. Simak, Ray Bradbury, Harry Harrison, Frederik Pohl, Jack Vance, Robert Silverberg, Fritz Leiber, Isaac Asimov, Fredric Brown, Mack Reynolds & Andre Norton

Summary : Science Fiction Grand Masters 3

Science Fiction Grand Masters 3 - The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America have voted since 1975 to name the best science fiction writers and recognize them as, the best of the best, Grand Masters. This vintage sci-fi anthology contains 22 short stories by the greatest writers in the history of science fiction. All of these short stories are written by Science Fiction Grand Masters.
The Repairman by Harry HarrisonAsteroid of the Damned by Frederik PohlSix Frightened Men by Robert SilverbergAsleep In Armageddon by Rad BradburyA Practical Man's Guide by Jack VanceTime Pussy by Isaac AsimovNice Girl With 5 Husbands by Fritz LeiberThe Thing Behind Hell's Door by Robert SilverbergThe Visitor by Ray BradburyThe Magnificent Possession by Isaac AsimovThe Shipshape Miracle by Clifford D. SimakEverest by Isaac AsimovHappy Ending by Fredric Brown & Mack ReynoldsThe Star by Arthur C. ClarkeCastaway by Arthur C. ClarkeEncounter in the Dawn by Arthur C. ClarkeJokester by Isaac AsimovAll Cats Are Gray by Andre NortonThe Gifts of Asti by Andre NortonFinal Victim by Ray Bradbury and Henry HasseRing Around The Sun by Isaac AsimovThe Veldt by Ray Bradbury

(Tags : Science Fiction Grand Masters 3 Arthur C. Clarke, Clifford D. Simak, Ray Bradbury, Harry Harrison, Frederik Pohl, Jack Vance, Robert Silverberg, Fritz Leiber, Isaac Asimov, Fredric Brown, Mack Reynolds & Andre Norton Audiobook, Arthur C. Clarke, Clifford D. Simak, Ray Bradbury, Harry Harrison, Frederik Pohl, Jack Vance, Robert Silverberg, Fritz Leiber, Isaac Asimov, Fredric Brown, Mack Reynolds & Andre Norton Audio CD )