This century unfolds with a fast-changing world riven by immense wars and glutton hungry Empires. Women strive to win the most basic of rights, the right to vote. Their literary testament is now a vital part of our cultural world. They write on all manner of subjects with truth, with imagination and with undeniable talent. We are all the richer for their words.
1 - The Top Ten - 20th Century Women
2 - Paul's Case by Willa Cather
3 - Kew Gardens by Virginia Woolf
4 - The Garden Party by Katherine Mansfield
5 - A Jury of Her Peers by Susan Gaspell
6 - Here We Are by Dorothy Parker
7 - The Face in the Glass by Mary Elizabeth Braddon
8 - The Mysterious Death on the Underground Railroad by Baroness Orczy
9 - Rooms by Gertrude Stein
10 - White Bread by Zona Gale
11 - The Stones of the Village by Alice Dunbar Nelson
(Tags : The Top 10 Short Stories - 20th Century Women: The top ten short stories of the 20th Century written by female authors. Willa Cather, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Alice Dunbar Nelson, Dorothy Parker, Gertrude Stein, Katherine Mansfield, Susan Glaspell & Zona Gale Audiobook, Willa Cather, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Alice Dunbar Nelson, Dorothy Parker, Gertrude Stein, Katherine Mansfield, Susan Glaspell & Zona Gale Audio CD )